You need an effective SEO plan if you want your business to rank better on search engine result pages (SERPs). Also, if you already have an SEO marketing strategy for your campaigns, you should keep it updated. Otherwise, it will become irrelevant due to changing algorithms of search engines and newer digital marketing trends of 2023. For your help, we have given 8 tips to create an effective SEO strategy that will take your online marketing to the next level. So, let's check them out.

8 Tips To Create A Good SEO Marketing Strategy For 2023

1. Create A List of Topics Based on Your Target Audience

To give your target audience the content they want, you need clarity on the topics they are searching for the most. Most of the topics can be generated by addressing the users’ pain points and solving their respective problems. After you have a list of cases, do keyword research for each.

A simple approach is to search the topic on Google and analyse the keywords present in the results. Besides, the "related searches" and "people also ask" sections can give you ideas for content topics. Using a tool for keyword research is also a common SEO practice to familiarise yourself with the search volume and competition on a specific keyword.

2. Emphasise on Long-Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords consist of user searches that consist of more than 3 words. For example, "smartphone shop" is a short-tail keyword, and "best smartphone store in Australia" is a long-tail keyword. The benefit of focusing on long-tail keywords is that they are easy to rank, even if their search volume is low.

You can target a specific part of the audience with the help of long-tail keywords. It helps you get more conversions. They help to connect with the people who are interested in buying the goods or services you offer, rather than the individuals who are just browsing them. 

3. Cover Each Topic With A Separate Page

An ideal way of structuring content on your website is creating separate pages for each core topic and additional pages for subtopics. It helps the users understand what you want to convey in a detailed and easy way. Make sure that the content is engaging and easily consumable.

This way, multiple pages from your website can be ranked on the search engine for different queries. When Google notices that a single website's pages are providing all the required information to the users, it builds your site's reputation and improves ranking.

4. Make Sure Your Content is Better Than Competitors

You are not the only one offering a specific product or service on the internet. So, you need to outperform your competitors. And for that, you need to create better content. A good advantage point for you will be creating content on the topics that your competitors have missed or lack clarity on. It will project your business as more reliable among the target audience. In simple words, either create unique content or create better content than your competitors.

5. Keep Posting The Content Consistently

"Consistency is the key to success". This also applies to SEO marketing. That's why, you should maintain a specific schedule, following which you post content. There must be a specific frequency at which your content goes on the internet, such as 1 blog per week or 3 blogs per month, etc. 

Moreover, you should focus on multiple channels to post content, like promotional emails, social media posts, and more. Last but not least, publishing content according to special occasions is also effective. For example, if your business is related to decorative items, you should post related content on Christmas, Halloween, etc. This way, you can eventually build your domain authority.

6. Create Content That Users Are Searching

You may be creating quality content, but it is useless if nobody searches for it. It is like solving a problem that doesn't even exist. So, paying close attention to the user's search intent is very important. For example, if we search "order burger", the search engine result pages consist of the following results:

  • burger delivery and takeaway near me
  • grilled healthy burgers
  • the best burgers and ribs in Australia

See, how a single keyword leads to many different search intents. If you prioritise the actual intent behind the user's search and create content accordingly, Google will surely rank your website. A good approach is to notice the similarities in the content ranked in top search results and take ideas to create content.

7. Keep The Meta Titles & Description Relevant To Content

Overlooking the importance of meta descriptions and titles can take a toll on your SEO marketing campaign. Such content helps the search engine and the user to understand what a specific page is about. So, if the meta titles are catchy and the descriptions are simple & informative, the chances of a high ranking and traffic automatically increase. 

When it comes to writing appealing meta titles, "the shorter, the better" rule is applied. As mentioned above, if the visitors find your descriptions more simple and attractive, they will eventually come to your website, rather than the competitors.

8. Optimise Your Content For Featured Snippet Section

Sometimes, when you enter a search query, a result is separately shown at the top, in which generally a specific part of a webpage content shows up. It is known as the featured snippet section. It usually consists of bullet points or direct answers to the user's query. If your content comes to this section, your website can easily get a lot of visitors and gain credibility and reputation.

To optimise your web pages for the featured snippet section, you should focus on more query-based content (which consists of questions and answers). Besides, go through the "People Also Ask" section to know the topics that the users are searching for. The last thing to ensure is dividing your content into small parts and avoiding large paragraphs because the featured snippet only shows a small part of the content.


All the points that we have gone through so far are related to improving the end user's experience in one way or the other. So, you should look to make things easy for the end users to create a full-proof SEO marketing strategy. This way, your digital marketing campaigns will stay fueled by the latest SEO practices and stay relevant in 2023. Moreover, if you want all these things managed by a professional, you can also consider hiring an SEO expert.